samedi 5 juin 2010

Partitions de Castlevania NES

Daniel Brown's Nintendo on Piano

Ce site propose des partitions de Castlevania 1 et 2 sur NES arrangée par Daniel Brown.

Castlevania 1:

1) Level 1 (PDF)

2) Level 2 (PDF)

3) Level 3 (PDF)

4) Boss Theme (PDF)

Castlevania 2:

1) Dracula's Castle (PDF) / Dracula's Castle (/w Octaves / PDF)

2) Dracula's Fight (PDF)

3) Mansion (PDF)

4) Night (PDF)

5) Town (PDF)

6) Woods (PDF)

7) End (PDF)

8) Game Over (PDF)

9) Password (PDF)

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vendredi 4 juin 2010

1ère Liste de Partitions [Ouverture]

- Castlevania, Curse of Darkness:

1) Garibaldi Courtyard (PDF)

- Castlevania Symphony of the Night:

1) Dance of Pales (PDF)

2) Lost Paintings (PDF by Sai Hikawa)

3) Lost Paintings (PDF by The WhiteRabbit)

4) Wood Carving Partita (PDF, Piano and Strings)


1) Castlevania Dracula X - Serenade in the Moonlight: Dance of Gold (PDF)

2) Castlevania Dracula X - Serenade in the Moonlight: Requiem for the Gods (PDF)

3) Super Castlevania IV: Vampire Killer (PDF)

1) Castlevania Circle of the Moon: Awake - Catacombs Theme (Tony Dao, the pianocian)

Castlevania Bloodlines / Portrait of Ruin: Iron Blue Intention (Tony Dao, the pianocian)


1) Castlevania Circle of the Moon: Awake - Catacombs Theme (PDF by Ignisterra, myself)

2) Castlevania 2: Bloody Tears (PDF, by Bryan Auyeung)

3) Castlevania Order of Ecclesia: An Empty Tome (PDF, by Mark Andrews)

4) Castlevania Judgement: An Empty Tome, Shaona Theme (PDF)

Enjoy :)